Death and the Game of Life

Published by Stephanie Zajchowski on

Life and death. Oil painting. Credit: Wellcome Library, London.

I pulled the card, turned it over, and there it was…Death. My stomach turned at the sight of it.

It was a sunny day in New Orleans and I was captured by the atmosphere of the city. Having my Tarot cards read seemed adventurous at the time, after all, a Southern Baptist from Texas would never do such a thing! I was mesmerized by the rhythm of the shuffling cards and the delight as each card was turned over to reveal a curious image. I waited with anticipation to be told what it all meant, until the Death card revealed itself. I couldn’t take my eyes off the image.

Some of the information I received that day was welcome and some less so, much like life. But the feeling of dread at the sight of the Death card loomed over the ordeal. This moment, at least as memory recalls, was my first lesson in how to hold endings.

This blog was written for and published by The Joseph Campbell Foundation on December 31, 2023.

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